Helping organisations develop authentic, purpose-driven leaders so that they do what is needed to create high-trust environments, where people are engaged, feel valued and committed to high-performance!
Before you can lead others effectively, you need to know how to lead yourself. Self-leadership requires you doing the work to develop your own sense of direction, self-awareness and self-worth. If you are not, the people you want to follow you, will sense your lack of clarity and integrity. Poor leadership is the single point of organisational failure. This means investing in self-leadership development is critical for an organisation’s survival, particularly for those at the top!
I am Norma O’Sullivan, founder of The Way Home Consulting. I am a leadership development coach and consultant. From my own experience of corporate dysfunction in a wide range of roles and industries, I know that by addressing your people issues first, process and performance challenges quickly resolve themselves.
As an experienced management consultant, I can expertly identify the root cause of your organisational challenges, and co-design a plan with you to get your people to where they need to be. My leadership development solutions incorporate the right blend of coaching, change management support and training to suit your organisation’s unique objectives.
Using intuition, authenticity, humour and commitment to results, I establish trust quickly so that your people know I care allowing compassionate collaboration, achieving results which extend well beyond the brief!
Together we rise!